Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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Syntax:     ANYPARM(anything)

Defn:       A CI evaluator function that accepts all characters,
            including commas, quote marks, right parentheses, etc.
            and treats them as a single string value.

            NOTE: the anyparm() function must be the only or right-most
            function in a command line.  Also, anyparm() cannot be
            nested inside other functions.  For example,
                 anyparm(...) + "foo"
            are NOT supported.

Type:       String

Example:    CALC anyparm(abc'def,gh"i)j)k;lm)
Result:     abc'def,gh"i)j)k;lm
Example:    ANYPARM p1
            setvar _infostr anyparm(!p1)
            run prog; info="![quote(_infostr)]"

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