Generated from C.60.01 /SYS/PUB/CICAT last modified on Thu Jan 11 09:18:52 2001

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HPMSGFENCE  A variable used by the CI that controls the output for all
            CI errors, warnings and skipped commands.  Skipped commands
            refer to commands that are not executed by the CI because
            they follow a conditional expression that evaluated FALSE.

            HPMSGFENCE is divided into 2 fields, 3 bits each in size.
            The low order field (bits 29..31) controls the output of
            CI error and warning messages as:
               0  =  display all CI errors and warnings
               1  =  show only errors, warning are suppressed
               2  =  suppress all CI errors and warning messages.

            The next field (bits 26..28) controls the output of
            skipped commands and the "*** EXPRESSION FALSE: ...",
            "*** EXPRESSION TRUE: ...", and "*** RESUME EXECUTION OF
            COMMANDS" messages:
               0  =  show all skipped commands and the above "***..."
               1  =  show only the "***..." messages, suppress commands
                     that are skipped.  Integer value is 8.
               2  =  suppress the skipped commands and the "***..."
                     messages.  Integer value is 16.

            Combining the two fields results in the following table of
            HPMSGFENCE values:

       0   show "***", skipped commands,    CI warnings,    CI errors
       1   show "***", skipped commands,    no CI warnings, CI errors
       2   show "***", skipped commands,    no CI warnings, no CI errors
       8   show "***", no skipped commands, CI warnings,    CI errors
       9   show "***", no skipped commands, no warnings,    CI errors
       10  show "***", no skipped commands, no warnings,    no CI errors
       16  no "***",   no skipped commands, CI warnings,    CI errors
       17  no "***",   no skipped commands, no CI warnings, CI errors
       18  no "***",   no skipped commands, no CI warnings, no CI errors

           The initial value for HPMSGENCE is 0, which shows all errors,
           warnings and skipped commands.  Type= W I PL

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