Generated from C.65.00 /SYSADMIN/PUB/MYCICAT last modified on Sun Aug 29 15:08:37 2004

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ERROR MESSAGE:     Oops!  The computer has only a limited understanding.
                   An error message is its way of telling you something.
It will repeat whatever confused it, point to the word, and give you a
message.  You'll see:

"Can't find anything under this command or in table of contents."
>                                         <== there's the prompt again.

That's one of the error messages you'll probably run into most often
while using the HELP program.  The prompt came back to let you know that
you can try again by typing the word again and pressing <RETURN>.

         Another error message you're likely to see while
         using HELP is:

                       "Can't find this keyword."

The computer is doing its best to point out whatever it stumbled over.

                                                ...Please press <RETURN>
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