7.11 I was just in GLANCE on my system and noticed a system process using a large amount of DISK. I tracked it's open files and there were two files I had never noticed before (H2@.PUB.SYS). Why is so much I/O occurring? Is it some type of logging?

These processes are logging heartbeat loss events on behalf of DTCs that are using UTP connections where the transceivers do not have SQE enabled. You can enable SQE on the transceivers, or, alternatively, switch the log configuration from YYYNNN back to YNNNNN in NMMGR. The problem started around MPE/iX 5.5 PP4 when the default log configuration changed. Changing it back to YNNNNN simply takes you back to before MPE/iX 5.5 PP4.

Making the change in NMMGR actually tells the DTC to stop sending the errors as opposed to telling MPE to stop logging them. As evidence you can make the change in NMMGR, restart the DTS subsystem (or reboot the machine) and it will continue to log the events until you reboot the DTC, thus causing a new download.