10.25 Our 9x8 refuses to do a shutdown properly. I do a "=SHUTDOWN" and wait until all the processes are shut down. I used to be able to do a control-b and then get the CM> prompt. Here I'd type RS, then BOOT, interact with IPL and then do a START NORECOVERY.

Now, after the =SHUTDOWN, I have to get up, go to the computer, and manually power off the unit. I put the power back on and it comes up in the Main menu where I type in the BOOT command. Why the change?

On the back of the box you will see a small toggle switch which will have two positions, "Normal" and "Remote". It is a fairly small switch, but you should see it. It will be in the "Normal" position and you should switch it to "Remote". This should solve your problem.

Note that on some systems there is a key that must be turned to "Service" for control-B to work. There are other permutations of switches and keys so, be careful. For example, on the 9x9 systems, turning the key to "Standby" shuts off the power!